Effect of Partial Replacement of Laterite with Sand on some Mechanical Properties of Building Blocks
Authors: Okere CE
DOI Info: N/A
A good number of structural failures cannot be unconnected to the quality of blocks used as walling materials (which provide lateral stability) in the construction of these structures. Some mechanical properties which have been ignored to an extent with regards to block moulding technology were considered in this work. Blocks were produced with readily sourced and affordable laterite (in some locations) and partially replaced with river sand to reduce the effect of rising cost of river sand and to take advantage of the various desirable properties of laterite. The effect of this replacement (10% - 40%) was considered on the mechanical properties as well as the water absorption rate and the results show that inclusion of sand in the mix improved the mechanical properties but reduced the durability assessed by the water absorption rate.
Affiliations: Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Federal University of Technology, PMB 1526, Owerri, Nigeria.
Keywords: Laterite Blocks, Water Absorption, Flexural Strength, Compressive Strength, Shear Strength, Split Tensile Strength, Partial Repl
Published date: 2020/12/30