Evaluation of the Performance of a Locally Fabricated Biomass Stove using Some Nigerian Woods
Authors: Ikpe AE, Etuk EM, Aruwa U
DOI Info: N/A
In this study, a biomass stove was designed and experimentally tested to determine the boiling time of different volumes of water using six different species of wood (Mangrove wood, Mahogany, Obeche, Iroko, Celtis, Erimado). After the experimental procedure, the same species of biomass were combusted in a Computrac MAX 5000XL Wood Ash Analyzer at 180 oC and 600 oC to determine their heat retention time (HRT) and mass of wood ash. It was observed that Mangrove wood required the least time and the least mass of wood fuel, followed by Mahogany to achieve water boiling temperature of the aforementioned volumes while Celtis consumed the highest time and highest mass of wood fuels to achieve water boiling temperature of 100 oC. This signifies that the heating value of Mangrove Wood and Mahogany is higher than those of the other five biomass fuels investigated. It was also observed that Mangrove Wood had the least percentage of Carbon (40.2%), Potassium (6.6%), Calcium (21.3%), Zinc (0.23%) etc. in its ash content which played a vital role in the minimised smoke generated during combustion. From the analysis, Mangrove Wood had the highest HRT among the six (6) species of wood combusted at 180 oC, followed by Mahogany and Obeche as well as the least mass of ash followed by Mahogany and Obeche. This implies that biomass stove operated with biomass fuels like Mangrove wood, Mahogany, Obeche etc. can be environmentally friendly (in terms of less carbon emissions) for large scale consumption.
Affiliations: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Benin, PMB 1154, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
Keywords: Biomass Stove, Energy, Biomass Fuel, Ash Content, Heat Retention Time
Published date: 2019/12/30