Kinetic Studies of Thermal Decomposition of Periwinkle (Tympanotonus fuscatus) Shell
Authors: Oyawoye MR, Momoh OR, Sani YM
DOI Info: N/A
The kinetics of thermal decomposition (calcination) of the periwinkle shell was investigated using the isothermal gravimetric technique in a furnace. To determine the reaction mechanism, all the common models used for solid-state kinetic studies were tested. The kinetic parameters were determined using conventional method (model-fitting) and then the values were compared to those obtained through standard (model-free) method. With regards to the calcination conditions examined in this study, it is shown that the reaction follows the contracting area model (R2). The activation energy (E) of the reaction was 142684.87 J/mol while the frequency factor (A) was 30393.98 min-1. Also, the studies of the effect of temperature and time on the calcination showed that temperature has an exponential relationship with conversion while time has a linear relationship with the conversion. Therefore, the temperature can be said to have more influence than time on the calcination of the periwinkle shell.
Affiliations: Department of Chemical Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna.
Keywords: Isothermal Gravimetric Method, Calcination, Model-fitting, Model-free, Conventional Technique, Standard Technique, Kinetic Param
Published date: 2019/12/30