Performance Evaluation of a Stationary Diesel Engine Emission Converter
Authors: Akinyemi OO, Adeyemi HO, Giwa SO, Nwaokocha CN, Layeni AT
DOI Info: N/A
The poor power supply in Nigeria has necessitated every home, school, factories and multinationals to source for alternative power supply. For most homes, schools, factories and so on, the use of generating set is the only alternative option available. This has greatly increased noise and air pollution. The air pollution produced alongside with vehicle emission negatively impacts the quality of air in the surrounding environment. It is the goal of this study to develop a diesel engine emission converter (DEEconverter) that will be capable of purifying the exhaust of generating set before releasing it to the atmosphere. A mechanical device that performs similar operation as a catalytic converter was designed with two major assemblies namely filtration chamber assembly and absorption chamber assembly. The DEEconverter was analysed using AZ0004 CO2 meter. The meter measures amount of CO2 emission, temperature and humidity respectively. The components are linked so that there is no risk of pressure failure before the purified exhaust is released to the atmosphere. The DEEconverter was installed on a Yoshita 4950D series generator and it was run for a period of one hour. 2477 ppm of CO2 was released to the atmosphere without the DEEconverter installed. The temperature and humidity were 34.8 oC and 51.4% respectively. With the DEEconverter installed, CO2 released was 336 ppm, and the average temperature and humidity were 36.8 oC and 50.3% respectively. The emergence of DEEconverter is significant to a healthy environment and with the support of environmental agency; its mass production will provide job opportunities.
Affiliations: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria
Keywords: Kankara Kaolin, Diesel Engine, Emission Converter, Internal Combustion Engine, Carbon Dioxide
Published date: 2019/06/30