Development of Heat Exchanger for Waste Heat Recovery from a Household Refrigerator
Authors: Musa NA, Akinbode FO, Njoku BC
DOI Info: N/A
A household refrigerator rejects heat (superheat and latent heat) of the refrigerant during the condensation process to the room or environment as waste heat. It is necessary to recover and conserve a reasonable amount of this waste heat and use it for other purposes. To this end, a shell and coiled tube heat exchanger was designed and constructed in this research work. It was used to replace the condenser of an existing refrigerator. The area of the heat exchanger was determined to be 0.09 m2. On performance evaluation with air flowing through the shell side and refrigerant through the coiled tube, the heat exchanger was able to recover waste heat of 142.16 W.
Affiliations: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
Keywords: Waste Heat, Refrigerator, Refrigerant, Air, Heat Exchanger, Condenser
Published date: 2018/12/30